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Dallas: 14x14
Smooth Operator
As Bobby comes face-to-face with Jory, Hillary’s daughter, J.R. begins to plot against LeeAnn.
Feb. 15, 1991
14 - 1
April in Paris
Nov. 02, 1990
14 - 2
Nov. 09, 1990
14 - 3
One Last Kiss
Nov. 16, 1990
14 - 4
Nov. 23, 1990
14 - 5
Tunnel of Love
Nov. 30, 1990
14 - 6
Heart and Soul
Dec. 07, 1990
14 - 7
The Fabulous Ewing Boys
Dec. 14, 1990
14 - 8
The Odessa File
Dec. 21, 1990
14 - 9
Sail On
Jan. 04, 1991
14 - 10
Lock, Stock and Jock
Jan. 11, 1991
14 - 11
S is for Seduction
Jan. 18, 1991
14 - 12
Designing Women
Feb. 01, 1991
14 - 13
Feb. 08, 1991
14 - 14
Smooth Operator
Feb. 15, 1991
14 - 15
Win Some, Lose Some
Mar. 01, 1991
14 - 16
Fathers and Sons and Fathers and Sons
Mar. 08, 1991
14 - 17
When the Wind Blows
Mar. 29, 1991
14 - 18
Those Darned Ewings
Apr. 05, 1991
14 - 19
Farewell, My Lovely
Apr. 12, 1991
14 - 20
Some Leave, Some Get Carried Out
Apr. 19, 1991
14 - 21
The Decline and Fall of the Ewing Empire
Apr. 26, 1991
14 - 22
Conundrum (1)
May. 03, 1991