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Dora the Explorer: 4x7
Dora's Got A Puppy
Dora and Boots are helping King Juan el Bobo to prepare for his Mommy’s birthday party.
May. 16, 2005
4 - 1
Dora's Fairytale Adventure
Sep. 24, 2004
4 - 1
Dora's Fairytale Adventure
Sep. 24, 2004
4 - 1
Dora's Fairytale Adventure
Sep. 24, 2004
4 - 1
Dora's Fairytale Adventure
Sep. 24, 2004
4 - 2
Daisy, La Quinceañera
Oct. 01, 2004
4 - 2
Daisy, La Quinceañera
Oct. 01, 2004
4 - 2
Daisy, La Quinceañera
Oct. 01, 2004
4 - 2
Daisy, La Quinceañera
Oct. 01, 2004
4 - 2
Daisy, La Quinceañera
Oct. 01, 2004
4 - 2
Daisy, La Quinceañera
Oct. 01, 2004
4 - 2
Daisy, La Quinceañera
Oct. 01, 2004
4 - 2
Daisy, La Quinceañera
Oct. 01, 2004
4 - 2
Daisy, La Quinceañera
Oct. 01, 2004
4 - 2
Daisy, La Quinceañera
Oct. 01, 2004
4 - 2
Daisy, La Quinceañera
Oct. 01, 2004
4 - 2
Daisy, La Quinceañera
Oct. 01, 2004
4 - 3
Dora's Pirate Adventure
Jan. 17, 2005
4 - 4
Big Sister Dora
Mar. 21, 2005
4 - 5
Super Babies
Mar. 28, 2005
4 - 6
Catch the Babies
Apr. 04, 2005
4 - 6
Catch the Babies
Apr. 04, 2005
4 - 6
Catch the Babies
Apr. 04, 2005
4 - 6
Catch the Babies
Apr. 04, 2005
4 - 7
Dora's Got A Puppy
May. 16, 2005
4 - 8
Dora and Diego to the Rescue
Sep. 06, 2005
4 - 8
Dora and Diego to the Rescue
Sep. 06, 2005
4 - 8
Dora and Diego to the Rescue
Sep. 06, 2005
4 - 8
Dora and Diego to the Rescue
Sep. 06, 2005
4 - 8
Dora and Diego to the Rescue
Sep. 06, 2005
4 - 8
Dora and Diego to the Rescue
Sep. 06, 2005
4 - 8
Dora and Diego to the Rescue
Sep. 06, 2005
4 - 8
Dora and Diego to the Rescue
Sep. 06, 2005
4 - 8
Dora and Diego to the Rescue
Sep. 06, 2005
4 - 8
Dora and Diego to the Rescue
Sep. 06, 2005
4 - 8
Dora and Diego to the Rescue
Sep. 06, 2005
4 - 9
A Crown For King Juan el Bobo
Oct. 03, 2005
4 - 9
A Crown For King Juan el Bobo
Oct. 03, 2005
4 - 9
A Crown For King Juan el Bobo
Oct. 03, 2005
4 - 10
Dora Had a Little Lamb
Oct. 04, 2005
4 - 10
Dora Had a Little Lamb
Oct. 04, 2005
4 - 10
Dora Had a Little Lamb
Oct. 04, 2005
4 - 10
Dora Had a Little Lamb
Oct. 04, 2005
4 - 10
Dora Had a Little Lamb
Oct. 04, 2005
4 - 10
Dora Had a Little Lamb
Oct. 04, 2005
4 - 10
Dora Had a Little Lamb
Oct. 04, 2005
4 - 10
Dora Had a Little Lamb
Oct. 04, 2005
4 - 10
Dora Had a Little Lamb
Oct. 04, 2005
4 - 10
Dora Had a Little Lamb
Oct. 04, 2005
4 - 10
Dora Had a Little Lamb
Oct. 04, 2005
4 - 11
Mixed-Up Seasons
Oct. 05, 2005
4 - 11
Mixed-Up Seasons
Oct. 05, 2005
4 - 11
Mixed-Up Seasons
Oct. 05, 2005
4 - 11
Mixed-Up Seasons
Oct. 05, 2005
4 - 12
Best Friends
Dec. 06, 2005
4 - 13
Journey to the Purple Planet
Oct. 28, 2005
4 - 14
Dora's Dance to the Rescue
Nov. 11, 2005
4 - 15
To the South Pole
Jan. 16, 2006
4 - 16
Dora's First Trip
Apr. 07, 2005
4 - 17
Baby Jaguar's Roar
Jun. 05, 2006
4 - 18
Boots to the Rescue
Nov. 06, 2006
4 - 19
Dora's World Adventure
Nov. 19, 2006
4 - 20
Star Mountain
Mar. 12, 2007
4 - 21
Baby Crab
Jun. 25, 2007
4 - 22
La Maestra de Musica (The Music Teacher)
Jul. 23, 2007
4 - 23
Dora Saves the Mermaids
Nov. 05, 2007
4 - 24
Super Spies
Dec. 03, 2007