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In the House: 2x18
Home Again
Jackie is promoted to the New York office, which means Marion is short one tenant. Enter Tonia.
Apr. 22, 1996
2 - 1
Dog Catchers
Sep. 18, 1995
2 - 2
Crush Groove
Sep. 25, 1995
2 - 3
The Gambler
Oct. 02, 1995
2 - 4
The Final Cut
Oct. 09, 1995
2 - 5
Daddy's Home
Oct. 16, 1995
2 - 6
Futile Attraction
Oct. 23, 1995
2 - 7
Sister Act: the Episode
Nov. 06, 1995
2 - 8
Nanna Don't Play
Nov. 13, 1995
2 - 9
Boyz II Men II Women
Dec. 04, 1995
2 - 10
Christmas Party
Dec. 11, 1995
2 - 11
Do the Right Thing
Jan. 01, 1996
2 - 12
Come Back, Kid
Jan. 08, 1996
2 - 13
To Die For
Jan. 15, 1996
2 - 14
Love on a One-Way Street
Jan. 22, 1996
2 - 15
My Crazy Valentine
Feb. 12, 1996
2 - 16
Three the Hard Way
Feb. 19, 1996
2 - 17
A Major Problem
Feb. 26, 1996
2 - 18
Home Again
Apr. 22, 1996
2 - 19
Close Encounters of the Worst Kind
May. 06, 1996
2 - 20
Hoop Screams
May. 13, 1996