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The Challenge: 13x6
Goodbye Casey
Romantic sparks fly between CT and Diem (who continues to be supported by the Drama Mafia).
Nov. 09, 2006
13 - 1
Welcome to Brazil
Oct. 12, 2006
13 - 2
The First Female Duel
Oct. 12, 2006
13 - 3
Goodbye Tina and Tyler
Oct. 19, 2006
13 - 4
Paula vs. Aneesa
Oct. 26, 2006
13 - 5
The Drama Mafia
Nov. 02, 2006
13 - 6
Goodbye Casey
Nov. 09, 2006
13 - 7
Nehemiah's Last Day's
Nov. 17, 2006
13 - 8
What Goes Around, Comes Around
Nov. 24, 2006
13 - 9
Until Next Time Derrick
Dec. 01, 2006
13 - 10
Harsh Words
Dec. 08, 2006
13 - 11
Friend or Foe?
Dec. 15, 2006
13 - 12
Two For Two
Dec. 22, 2006
13 - 13
Fallen Alliances
Jan. 05, 2007
13 - 14
The Big Split
Jan. 05, 2007
13 - 15
The Final Four
Jan. 12, 2007
13 - 16
The Big Payoff
Jan. 19, 2007