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The Challenge: 5x2
Hang Man, Part 2
The first inner circles meet to figure out who to vote out of the Battle of the Seasons.
Feb. 04, 2002
5 - 1
Hang Man, Part 1
Feb. 04, 2002
5 - 2
Hang Man, Part 2
Feb. 04, 2002
5 - 3
Hurricane Juliette
Feb. 11, 2002
5 - 4
Who to Vote Off?
Feb. 18, 2002
5 - 5
Musical Inner-Tube Tango
Feb. 25, 2002
5 - 6
Vertical Limit
Mar. 04, 2002
5 - 7
Slam Dunk
Mar. 11, 2002
5 - 8
Montezuma's Revenge
Mar. 25, 2002
5 - 9
Ladder of Doom
Apr. 01, 2002
5 - 10
Round 'Em Up
Apr. 08, 2002
5 - 11
Rush Hour
Apr. 15, 2002
5 - 12
Hands on Saturn
Apr. 22, 2002
5 - 13
Sidekick Showdown
Apr. 29, 2002
5 - 14
May. 06, 2002
5 - 15
Siamese Wrestling
May. 13, 2002
5 - 16
Handsome Reward
May. 20, 2002